
Getting Rid of Tucson Mice Without Killing Them

When you see a little Tucson mouse it may seem cute and harmless. However mice breed very fast and before you know it you may have a full blown mice infestation. Being nocturnal you may be aware of their movements and squeaks at night. They nibble through anything and cause damage. They are also known to carry diseases. Poisons and traps are available in the market but they have their own handicaps.
• They cannot be used if there are small children or pets. There are chances of accidental intake by them.
• It is an inhumane method. Poisons also cause lot of internal bleeding and the mice die a painful death. This is a sight that affects even the strongest of people.
• An Arizona mouse may die in a hidden place and you may have to bear the stench till you are able to find them.

Mouse traps
Mouse traps are effective. Snapping traps which kill and glue traps are available. These again kill the mice. There are Live catching mouse traps which use non lethal method of getting rid of them. These traps attract mice with attractive bait. Once the mouse is inside the door snaps close and the mouse is caught inside. There are traps which can catch many mice at the same time. A major advantage of this trap is that you can catch Arizona mice without touching or handling them. The downside is that more effort is needed to set and trap mice.

Placing of traps
Traps can be placed wherever you found mouse droppings. Other places where you may find mice activity is behind appliance, corners, and other hidden spots. The bait can be any food popular with mice. They include candy, salted crackers, peanut butter and cheese. Seeds, nuts and vegetables also can be used.

Setting the Tucson mice free
Once the mouse is caught they must be released at least a mile away. They can easily find their way back if you release them near your home. There are also easy methods of making your own trap. These are available online.

Keeping your house mouse proof
Trapping and driving away Arizona mice is definitely not the end in itself. It may have to be repeated frequently if your house is not made mouse proof. Entry of even a single mouse means there is a way in. Mice also try to come back if they had easy source of food and a comfortable shelter. Inspect your home and seal all possible entrances. They may be holes and cracks in the walls. Mouse can come in through even a ¼” hole/gap. Use steel wool or sheet metal. Keep the house and yard clean. Mouse can nest in old piles of unused stuff in garages etc. Trees and plants near the house have to be regularly trimmed. Mice hate clean houses. They love to live in unsanitary conditions. Regular cleaning and using repellents keep them away. Keep cans covered and remove any source of food easily available like fallen fruits etc.

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