
What are the Common Problems that Tucson Skunks Cause?

Skunks cause a lot of issues. They are a nusisance and cause one major issue, their smell. They utilitze their scent glands when they are feeling anxious and/or threatened. Even if they don’t spray, there is a lingering odor about them. But they come with a few other issues as well that anyone would want to be considerate of.

Disease and Injury
Besdes their horris smell, Tucson skunks can bring disease and death to both small animals, sogs, poultry and humans if they get close enough to bite. But they have other diesases as well. They are the number 2 carrier of rabies , which can be a serious diease in either pets or humans, leading to illness or death. A single bite or a scratch from an infencted Arizona skunk is enough to transfer the disease. They also carry leptospirosis which is a bacterial disease. Other animals and humans can both be infected with this, both by coming in contact with the animals urine (which is a lot more common than you might believe). It could be in the water, soil or food that either we or pets use and skin contact which can get into cuts and scrapes. This is something to think about when it comes to children who like to pick things up off the floor and shove them in their mouth. The last would be distemper which is something that you’ll want to prevent especially when it comes to dogs. This is the one that humans don’t have to worry about, but a dog with distempter can lead to death. However pets can be vaccinated for this, but you don’t want to chance it honestly.

They will Damage your Yard
Since we got over the nitty gritty of diseases, you’ll have to understand that they also are going to dig up your yard, and your garden. They dig for food and that will happen in your yard to include holes that are every coulple of feet and a few inches deep. But they will also build a nest in order to have their babies or set p their winter home as well. In adition, they have the tendency to eat food from the garden as well which can ruin your plants.

They are Scavangers
They will go through garbage if they need to to get food. They are opportunistic and will find food where they must. This means going through the garbage, getting into your home to eat the pet food, or your food, or they will again tear up your yard.

The Smell
This is for sure the worse (if you don’t contract any of the diseases that is). The smell will permeate your home, your blothes, your pet, whatever the case may be and can linger for months. If you do get sprayed or your pet outside, leave everything out there and toss it, because the smell from those clothes will take a long time to dissipate, and the oily musk will be hard to remove. This is one of the biggest problems that they cause, because they will likely spray before they attempt to attack. If you can keep them out of the yard, that’s your best bet.

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